Friday, August 11, 2006
Pilgrim Vacation214 at Panicfreaks with the Show of Hands
I had a lot a fun with polaroids way back when, but nowadays, a dollar a shot is mind boggling, especially considering that I bring home five or six hundred essentially free exposures everytime I head out into the forest. In addition, they seem very much like polaroids, quickly convertable to raw material for further creations.
Bu oboy they were fun at the time! I took a few dozern hand pictures to create this collage. The black background is a blank book. I use them for my journals.
The Show of Hnads has bene hotlinked in a music fan forum at by Vacation214
...and this is odd. I registered at to see the forum in which the Show of Hands appeared, and usually that is sufficient to then go look at people's profiles. I see now that I registered at the sandbox, and Vacation214's profile is at the vBulletin forum, at the same domain. I need to scoot out into the forest to catch the light right around noon, so I don't have time to properly link up this post. I'll do that tomorrow.
But meanwhile, the Show of Hands is in repsonse to a question as to hwo while show up at the Fox tonight.
Thanks Vacation214!
PS: The spam is coming hot and heavy this morning, usually this means a bunch of new hotlinks from MySpace. I haven't seen them scroll by in teh access_log yet, but really, how many MySpaceCadets are up at this time in the morning, on Saturday.