Monday, January 16, 2006
Joker Pilgrim Says the Jokes on Me
I should have known, as soon as I say that no one ever links to the other two pictures in the "Sabaki Pleasures Herself on my Big Toe", someone would use it, and such a place! What is this place? Hmm, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority Country Code page says that .si is Solvenia! How cool is that? Slovenia was the first nation spawned by the death of Yugoslavia, a brief war, almost no war if I recall correctly, and then it's free. Of all of the formaer Yuogoslavia, Slovenia is the
most akin to western Europe, and, drat, can't find it. I have a cool novel written about the time right after WWII when a campaign (of terror) led up to a potemkin vote and it ended up on the red side of the Iron Curtain to be.
They've got some picture game running in this thread, and Dr. Phil McGraw offered up the second Sabaki and my Foot photo. I don;t know what the Slovenian language is like, and , drat (looks at the time) I really should go to bed soon. This is even more intimidating than Chinese - omy omy, how to say Hi and Thank you? I must ponder.