Wednesday, December 21, 2005


The Enlightened MySpace Pilgrim

a photograph from above of a cat's head looking straight up

UPDATE 29Dec2005: dynamite has changed her name to b-i-t-c-h and moved the blog to a part of that is accessible without logging in.
Sabaki is till looking straight up in group 3, but really, that's not a "Who, me?" look, that's a "Whachu looking at?" look.

This is cool, the BREAKING! MySpace hotlink started cooking today. The first IP showed up a few times, and then a different IP accessed it. So I logged in and checked it out.

Sabaki shows up on dynamite's blog. This is her profile page. The blog is inaccessible unless you're logged in. Her post is entitled Cats' and Girls' stuff.... and has 20 some pictures of cute kitties. I posted a comment:

Thank you for enjoying my picture of Sabaki Looks Staright Up and hotlinking to it in your blog, I love it! She's the black kitty in your #3. You should check out the Carnival of the Cats and my own kitty picture archives. There are 5 now, I do Friday Cat Blogging, in my archives list on my photoblog Middle-Fork.


She said OK! and my reply is on the page. This is a first.

Thanks! dynamite!

Here's the original Middle-Fork post.
This is the Cats 2005 Summer Archive in which it appears.

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